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-in1 any of various chemical substances or minerals, including certain proteins, enzymes, antibiotics, and pharmaceuticals. [2 definitions]
-in2 organized public activity of (such) a type, often as a means of demonstrating approval or protest.
-ine2 used in the names of chemical elements and compounds and other substances. [2 definitions]
-proof unable to be penetrated by (something specified). [2 definitions]
be to remain in a state of existence; have reality; exist. [10 definitions]
eat to consume (food) through the mouth. [7 definitions]
eating the act of one that eats. [4 definitions]
i the ninth letter of the English alphabet. [2 definitions]
In symbol of the chemical element indium.
IN abbreviation of "Indiana," a Midwestern U.S. state between Illinois and Ohio.
in used to indicate inclusion within a space or area. [12 definitions]
in-1 in; on; into. [2 definitions]
in-2 not; without.
in. abbreviation of "inch," or "inches," a unit of length equal to one twelfth of a foot or 2.54 centimeters.
is 3rd person present sing. of be.
Is. abbreviation of "island" or "islands," or "isle" or "isles" (used in a proper name).
of used to indicate distance or separation from. [13 definitions]
of- to. [2 definitions]
proof evidence that proves the truth or existence of something. [13 definitions]
pudding a soft creamy or spongy dessert, usu. made by boiling or baking a mixture of milk, flour, eggs, and sugar, and adding fruit or other flavoring. [5 definitions]